Friday, December 18, 2009




Wednesday, December 16, 2009




Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonly into the sun

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Attempted last paper today. I feel very tired after all. I felt that my hand and mind is no longer belong to me. 3 hours non stop writing,calculating,thinking is torturing my brain. I need a good rest . My eyes cant even focus on the screen now but still able to blog and watch my off pedder. Take a good rest on the bench with a cup of coffee is meant a lot. I'm always wish there is a lovely old couple inside the photo who sit on the chair. I wish to capture the feel of 简简单单的幸福.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Last day to fight for my exam...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

one photo A day keep moody away

It's sunday...This photo has reflected what mood i had during that moment..peacefully..

Friday, December 11, 2009


IQ & EQ 需要更加加强...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Sunday, September 13, 2009

He Came & Went Off

盼了三个月,这天终于来临了...8th Sept Flight from Dubai to Birmingham Airport reached at 12.27pm Uk time. 傻傻的等待终于见到他了,还是没变呢...呵呵呵...一切如旧,带了他的新欢,超开心的,我们一起到了地球的另一边去了York & Birmingham ,驾着车勇闯birmingham 去了,一步一脚印去享受英国的艺术气息...真是舒服&轻松啊.....

4天过去了, 11.23am 看到他踏进火车直奔 Birmingham 报到去了...再两个星期就能见了..需要珍惜在英国的每个日子, 得来不易啊...4 年过去了, 还有多少个4年啊....哈哈哈,希望一切如旧啦...

14天这旅欧洲我来啦, 等我等我.... 爸爸妈妈,谢谢您给我这个黄金机会,人生是多么的美好,backpack不是难事,回到去一定要感恩,努力考取特许会计师啦!!!gogogoo...

Been Fully Recharged for 3 months !!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is Late Summer coming to the town...

Been raining continuously... Mr Sunshine is shy to say hi to all of us...Consequently, weather is cold....Moody weather made all of us going to hibernate very soon...

Lazy to go out as well as the chill weather not welcome us..Hot drinks are needed everyday to warm me up as i was just recovered from a severe sore throat and coughing..Virus did attack me during our London trip.

Wrapped myself to become a huge dumpling to present any sickness attack me again. Be prepared to Europe trip!God Bless...

Greetings from Sheffield...

Best medicine - 海

Everyone likes Sea ...So do i.. Whitby is da best..Feel relax with the beach side...Sea side is a amazing leisure place where people will forget the sadness. It just acts like a medicine which cure pain. There are no more conflicts among colleagues, friends , housemates, etc .. Everything is calm and peaceful ...

I do treasure secondary school friendship which is not polluted . All of the friends are pure. No fakers among us. Miss ya a lot. Life must goes on, memories in bottom of my heart.

Everything is coming to the end. Appreciate everything and grab every precious moments.

Sadness is gone . Food , delighting you always.^_^v Hereby, Fish & Chips boost up your energy. Fresh and Crispy - these 2 words are used to describe the COD fish .. I miss Chinese Food as well as Chinese food is just like 博大精心 . 三烧饭, 难忘的一餐!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


很久没上来了, 每个星期的生活都过得很忙碌, 真想找个地方休息,叹杯咖啡。。很快的, 即将要结束了我最后的读书生涯,不能再找借口不去做工了。。还没踏上新的旅程就喊累了。。

5000个字的论文和考试在等着我过去 say hello~



Friday, July 3, 2009

Short POst of My Uni

Hate to walk the slope everyday ...One of the main path to our main entrance ...This is the busiest path too as our Uni is near to bus station and train station . Is so convenient to travel around the whole UK .

This is our Uni 's lavender ..Does it ? I'm not sure about it...
This is the main building of our Uni - SHU ..medical consultation , admin block ,office and etc ..And now lets me to introduce the slope !!I always change my mode to Gear 2 and dont even wanna chit chat while ''walking'' the slope..

Inside of our main building :

They love sunshine as i been told the summer which mean achieve to 27 degree Celsius is only last for 2 weeks!!! Heatwave is coming on this week as we are sweating alot ..Same weather like Malaysia..But soon it will be a heavy rain & light rain in this few days..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sheffield Highstreet Outings

During a sunny day , we are heading to the Highstreet of Sheffield to do some window shopping. Hanging around peaceful garden and tried McD ..So what the difference between McD in Malaysia and UK ? 3.45 pound for one regular set which the size portion is SAME !! Do not have a wrong perception that ang mo fast food chain restaurant will serve you a huge portion..Even KFC chicken in Sheffield are smaller than Malaysia..Can you imagine that? lol..The most famous food over here is KEBAB ..To tell you honestly they do serve you HUGE portion ..EAt till become fatty ..It includes wedges ,fried chicken , french fries ,tak tau apa kambing and tandori ..

They do serve you a more healthier big mac ...Picture are shwon as above..Let me introduce you our sheffield tram ...A more modern one compared to Hong Kong.However i more prefer to Hong Kong's tram..

There are many kinds of chapel around the city..We all get bored of that since we are not engineering students.We deal mainly with figures & management. But when listening the gospel bell ''dong dong dong '' over there , you will feel so relief and relax ..You can sleep/ sit on the grass everywhere you can.
We just sit on the bench to enjoy our grapes which bought in Castle Market while taking photo around . It ends our day to explore heart of the city and we drag our legs to go back home.Once again i'm here to declare that my legs cacat alr..LOL

Cambridge Trip 20/6/09

My first trip in UK - Cambridge ..Lots of visitors over there...Mostly from China and other Western countries...Chill weather wake us up ..Lotz of handsome ang mo passed by and pursued us for punting.

Here are the pictures of us during punting...People here are friendly and they love to read books! Amazed by the artistic surroundings..They love bicycle a lot too! I'm sure i will love it ..Ride along the countryside with beloved and picnic at the greens...

People here love punting as they can do picnic on the boat and punting with families..Parents are drinking wine over there where children playing punting..It is so enjoyable and leisure provided on the nice weather ..Summer is the best season for traveling .

Nice colleges are along the river..King's college , Queens college, Trinity college, St John college and etc...We heard history of cambridge and amazed by those buildings and chapel.This is a magnificent building.

Here come a picture of me ..self captured by myself..hehe..

Every scenery here can be used as postcard too...See here for the proof..

Picture of bridge of sigh :

In the bridge of sigh , there are 2 students who are sighting over there and said :' haih , gonna resit for ACCA & CIMA again , cham mou!'

Finally, we went to local market place to experience the market culture..We smell food & fruits..Damn it, we are hungry although just finished our home make burger..Aiks ..
Lastly, we spent 2.5 pound on german hotdog ..Shared by 4 persons..Hows the taste? Finger licking good for sure...haha

So by 5pm we are heading off to Sheffield Charlotte Court again. 3 hours journey to our home.We slept soundly and became zoombie in the bus. Bye Cambridge !

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First introduce to my Hostel - Charlotte Court

Lets up some picture of where i'm going to sleep for 3 months..Quite spacious with a nice L shape table for us ..Good for it..Internet speed can go up to 6mb ..woohoo...Love that very much..At first i was told be senior we have to pay 50 pound for 3 months internet connection but then is included in the tuition fees alr..yeeepi...I have another 50 pound cash to spend..

my messy room on the first day....Once stepped inside , chickchak here and it is how it looks like..

Now lets show you the picture of bathroom...Even have a heater inside but it doesnt work effectively...Still cold...Now i realise why ang mo doesnt like to bath...I have experienced it..Till now i havent sweat before ...Tell you one thing, i thought the heater inside is for disable people to hold once they are finished their stuff..But i realised it was hot...Now i can tell you that it is the heater!!

The pathway of my apartment unit..There are 6 rooms in 1 unit...Dont even try their ang mo culture and said die die also want to stay with them.....You will vomit for such kind of ''cleanliness''..I have been told by some of my friends yesterday...Phew,luckily me..We sing Bunny song in our unit...I'm from room no 5..Door have to be closed or else alarm will function..

Our messy kitchen for the first day....

Our living room but no one will sitting there as we busy to webcam and chit chatting with a speedy connection..PPstream smooth all the way...Dont waste our time wie.....

This is my first meal when i reached UK ...Is so tasty that i will appreciate it very much...

On the way to Sheffield

Sheffield is located on south yorkshire, which is 4 hours drive from London. Do you know why it takes so long ?Because they obey the law so much until everyone is driving 80km/h on the highway..=.= Even a sporty Medz also need to act like turtle..LOL..No wonder Londoner loves small car..

Gloomy day when i reached at the first day. The first impression is am i in genting ?It looks so familiar..Quckily grab my jacket on to avoid getting flu..During the way, whole bus of students wondering aound happily and take photos every minutes..However after half an hour all went to meet Mr Chow alr..LOL..Whole bus become so quiet in a sudden..So from that it can intrepret that everyone does not sleep well in the plane..

We came to a resthouse and i felt not comfortable as we are the minority asian people over there.I love british slang..hehe

Lets see for the marco shot of those beautiful flowers...Relaxing ..

Been exciting to see the residence house for the first time. Not a trendy one but yet it is impressing..Only for British culture...

We passed by many trees and grasses ...We saw a yellowish grasses ..Amazing for it..But i was wondering isnt it summer now? Why it just like winter feel ? teehee...

Just hope to lie on it ...hehehe..

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Day When IT Comes 13/6/09

Finally, i have come to the day of going abroad to study for 3 months degree courses in Sheffield, UK. Sadness is more than happiness as i'm going there alone. Not much friends over there and i need to adapt to the so called summer courses. Night is so cold and it seems the heater is no longer work in such a condition. Thank god..

Tears is dripping down when i said goodbye to him..Sadness is covering the happiness when we need to apart for 3 months or more in future.First time we are staying far far away from each other.Sob sob..

Hong Kong Airport

My route to UK is KLIA- HONG KONG - LONDON (heathrow airport) 17 hours flight is torturing me and i forced myself to get a novomin tablet so i can bearly alive when i reached heathrow airport.

I would like to say the only thing delight me in air plane is the meal they provided. Not bad at all..All are piece of my cakes and i enjoyed it quite well..hehe..Cathay Pacific rocks the world.Now let me post a nice capture of the dinner i enjoyed during my flight to hong kong..(sweet N sour chicken meals)

And i had come to a sun set ....

And finally i reached London Heathrow Airport safely...