Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best medicine - 海

Everyone likes Sea ...So do i.. Whitby is da best..Feel relax with the beach side...Sea side is a amazing leisure place where people will forget the sadness. It just acts like a medicine which cure pain. There are no more conflicts among colleagues, friends , housemates, etc .. Everything is calm and peaceful ...

I do treasure secondary school friendship which is not polluted . All of the friends are pure. No fakers among us. Miss ya a lot. Life must goes on, memories in bottom of my heart.

Everything is coming to the end. Appreciate everything and grab every precious moments.

Sadness is gone . Food , delighting you always.^_^v Hereby, Fish & Chips boost up your energy. Fresh and Crispy - these 2 words are used to describe the COD fish .. I miss Chinese Food as well as Chinese food is just like 博大精心 . 三烧饭, 难忘的一餐!!

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